Aespa’s Winter Accidentally “Swears” On Dear. U Bubble

Mr KD News It was a case of misplaced spacings.

Aespa’s Winter Accidentally “Swears” On Dear. U Bubble

  • “Look out the window.”
  • “Look out the windoooow”
  • “Look at the weather.”
  • “?”
  • “It’s a misunderstanding.”
  • “Look at the [spacing] weather.”
  • “Phew.”
  • “I am a girl group [member].”

Weather” in Korean is “nal-ssi,” while “look” is “bwa,” or “ba” when typed casually. Winter had typed without spacings, causing her to send “nal ssi ba,” which sounds highly like the swear word “ssi bal.” People also commonly use variations such as “ssi ba,” and “SB.”

Winter quickly corrected herself, even adding some humor with the “I am” meme that swept the nation after Jeon Chung Jo’s high profile scam. Netizens fell over their feet with laughter, absolutely adoring Winter.