Kim Seon Ho’s upcoming film “The Childe” has unveiled a brand-new poster! “The Childe” (originally titled “Sad Tropics”) follows the chaotic chase that ensues when the mysterious “Childe,” alongside several other forces, embark on separate missions that all aim to pursue Marco, a boxer who travels from one illegal arena to another in the Philippines. […]
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from Soompi
Kim Seon Ho’s upcoming film “The Childe” has unveiled a brand-new poster! “The Childe” (originally titled “Sad Tropics”) follows the chaotic chase that ensues when the mysterious “Childe,” alongside several other forces, embark on separate missions that all aim to pursue Marco, a boxer who travels from one illegal arena to another in the Philippines. […]
The post Kim Seon Ho Is A Mysterious Pursuer In Poster For Upcoming Big Screen Debut Film “The Childe” appeared first on Soompi