“Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938” has dropped a new teaser! Starring Lee Dong Wook, Jo Bo Ah, and Kim Bum, “Tale of the Nine-Tailed,” which aired at the end of 2020, tells the story of the male gumiho (a mythical nine-tailed fox) Yi Yeon (Lee Dong Wook) in a modern era. Although Yi Yeon found […]
The post Watch: Lee Dong Wook Relives Both The Good And Bad Memories Of The Past In “Tale Of The Nine-Tailed 1938” Teaser appeared first on Soompi
from Soompi
“Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938” has dropped a new teaser! Starring Lee Dong Wook, Jo Bo Ah, and Kim Bum, “Tale of the Nine-Tailed,” which aired at the end of 2020, tells the story of the male gumiho (a mythical nine-tailed fox) Yi Yeon (Lee Dong Wook) in a modern era. Although Yi Yeon found […]
The post Watch: Lee Dong Wook Relives Both The Good And Bad Memories Of The Past In “Tale Of The Nine-Tailed 1938” Teaser appeared first on Soompi https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.pnghttps://www.soompi.com/article/1581187wpp/watch-lee-dong-wook-relives-both-the-good-and-bad-memories-of-the-past-in-tale-of-the-nine-tailed-1938-teaser